This entry's primarily addressed to an office full of people so, if anyone else reads it and it makes no sense at all, I apologise for any wasted time. There may be gags in there somewhere though so I'd stick around.
I started this job on February 8th 2010 and, in the space of a little under 19 months, I've had some of the more positive teaching experiences in my relatively short and undistinguished career.
I guess what I'm really trying to say with something like this is that I left because I hope, in some way, you'll remember my time here as somewhat of a jape filled experience. I'm sure that, had I taken said new job role, I'd have turned into a miserable prick within 14 days and that doesn't help anyone.
I've been the guy at work who hates his job and it's a one way street of wasted time, angry ranting and a complete lack of personal and professional focus and I'm not going to put any of you people through that, let alone me.
In between all the warehouses, sweepstakes, office practical jokes and videos of me shooting babies with crossbows there was some genuinely enjoyable moments and I'd like to thank all of you because you've, at some point, featured in at least one of them.
This very blog contains all the contact details you could ever need on the right hand side on my UKMMA information page so I'd invite you all to keep in touch as and when you see fit.
I guess I'd also like to say thanks to everyone who's helped me out over the last 19 months however small it may have seemed at the time. It's been a pleasure to share an office/building/contract with you.
I'd probably like to finish with something quite inspirational but I'm no good at writing stuff like that on demand so I figured I'd use a video clip instead.
Life's a pegboard in a lot of respects.
You've just got to believe in what you do and good things will happen.
Take Care