It's a testament to just how busy I've been of late that I've only just had time to recollect my thoughts after one of the best card of fights I can remember for a long while at UCMMA 29.
It was the most entertaining night's mma I've ever commentated.
Ok there I said it. I legitimately mean it as well. Here's the deal with UCMMA that people just don't seem to get.
The white suit, the crazy one liners, the stupid facial hair and that unique Troxy atmosphere are EVERYTHING that makes that show more fun than I've got the words for. You've got to look at the big picture. It's entertaining for a million reasons. You've got to take a step down from which ever tall animal you're sitting on and take it for what it is. An amazingly fun mma experience.
Off to Jordan in a bit for some Cage Warriors goodness.
Speak soon times.