"The whole is greater than the sum of its parts."
In any other situation I'd probably agree, but to the same token it's the absence of those intricate pieces, the pieces which made that huge puzzle take shape, that I'm struggling with at the moment.
In my head I know I made the most of it, I'm pretty sure that's the one thing that is constant in all of this.
It's hard to quantify real friendship.
As ridiculous as it sounds, I guess you just sort of know by exactly what you feel. I think that's the hardest bit of this whole spot in a lot of respects. It's only in severe withdrawal do you realise how much you came to rely on those contributions.
It doesn't even matter what they were, it's who they were made by that made them stick in my head like glitter on glue. The memories still keep me smiling but they become simply that with each day that passes. We all become different people slowly but the hope of another sunset is what makes us continue to move forward.
I just wanted you to know that I haven't forgotten about you, about any of you and there isn't a day that goes by that I don't wonder what you're doing or when will be the next time that our paths will cross.
They will do, I'm sure of it.
Speak soon
Take care