After an immense weekend I'd like to say thanks very much to all who were involved.
Night of the Gladiators 4 was the best show yet and I'd keep a look out on for the videos as they're usually quite fast with sorting them out.
Also XFC3 was amazing and I'd like to thank all who were involved with it. A truly professional show which was capped off with some amazing fights. My review for the show is available to read at the following address.
That was pretty much the top and bottom of what I had to say in all honesty. It just remains for me to remind you to look out for Cage Control 1 as it's only a few weeks away on June 19th and if there's one thing the Spartan guys love it's a good fight. You can check the details of that out on:
Thanks once again for reading and if you've got anything you want to ask then be sure to drop me a line.
Take Care
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