Today I was given the news that my 9-5 job doesn't exist anymore which, to be honest, I was expecting in a funny kind of way.
If I can simplify it all then here's the deal:
I teach people
They want me to sell things
That's pretty much the top and bottom of it all.
I've got a weekend to figure out what I'm going to do and just how I'm going to do it.
Teaching, for me, is about helping people.
Sales, for me, is about trying to convince people that they want something they don't need.
Anyhow excuse my rambling I'm still a bit shell shocked by the whole situation at the minute.
To the point then.
How much of this is a sign?
How much of this is the universe reaching out and saying if you don't write/commentate/judge/teach or do something you believe in then you'll end up a soulless robot?
The Message
The time is now it seems.
I'm declaring myself formally available for any mma work that any of you people may need.
Want press releases writing? I'm all over it and have done hundreds for different organizations and companies.
Want articles writing? I've had over 700 pieces published across print and Internet outlets both sides of the Atlantic.
Want an MMA event judging or commentating? I've judged well over 100 fights and have attended the best judging seminar in the entire country run by Mr Marc Goddard and have commentated for HD Net Fights and Sky Sports.
Want some personal training? I'm qualified to do that as well as it happens.
Want to rescue me from this nightmare? Well I'd fucking love you forever if you did and I'd stay up all night writing about how happy I am with it.
All my contact details are available here: http://www.ukmma.info/ben-cartlidge/
Speak real soon.
Love always