Monday 15 June 2015


It's hard not to be happy in these kind of circumstances.

It's impossible to recollect why you were ever stressed or worried about anything. It all seems so far away from whatever was happening or wherever you were previously doing.

We don't do enough of this, nearly enough of this but then it's impossible to spend as much time as you want, doing the things you want to do largely.

We accept this somehow; it's the twisted mantra of the modern world we live in.

Buy a house you couldn't afford without a big loan and leave it empty all day as you work 8 hours a day for people you'll never even meet.

There's no logic to any of what we do but, for a dinner time dip into unconsciousness there doesn't have to be.

We just need to breathe slowly, feel the warmth on our faces and the orange light on the insides of our eyelids. That is all we need to do for those blissful few hours, it's somehow all we've ever needed to do.

Take care
Speak soon

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